How use soil in laboratory.
Define liquid limit and plastic limit. How do you calculate plasticity index ? How many strokes are specified for rolling the thread of soil when determining plastic limit ? And how many revolution per second when determining liquid limit ?
Answer .
Liquid limit is the water content in which the soil mass has a capacity to Flow as a liquid . It is in between the liquid and plastic state the rate is 2 revolution per second . Plastic limit is the water content in which the soil mass can be molded without crumbling . It is in between plastic and semi-solid state . The rate is 80 to 90 strokes per minute .
Question .
Could we used for embankment material ?
Answer .
Yes , by plating. It is a method of covering or confining of unstable fills with a suitable , stable material.
Question .
What are the test you run to Determine the suitability of a subgrade material ?
Answer .
A - Sieve analysis
B - Atterberg test
C - Proctor test
D - C.B. R. test
E - Field density test
Question .
What are the basic test normally caried out to determine soil characteristics and conditions ?
Answer .
A - C.B.R. test
B - Sieve analysis
C - Atterberg test
Question .
How di you determine the shear strength of a soil ?
Answer .
By tri-axial test . The basic principles is that a cylindrical soil specimen in first encased ina thin rubber membrane and subjected to fluid pressure around the cylindrical surface . The lateral pressure is held constant while an axial load is applied and until failure occurs .
Question .
What type soil are well suitable for subgrade ?
Answer .
A_1_a , A_1_b , A_2_4
Question .
What do you mean by type A , AA , AAA in the compaction of soil ?
Answer .
Type A - compacted density of a soil shall be equal or greater then 90% of maximum density or 70% of relative density .
Type AA - compacted density of a soil shall be equal or greater then 95% of maximum density or 74% of relative density
Type AAA - compacted density of a soil shall be equal or greater then 100% of maximum density or 78% of relative density .
To be continue.....
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